Saturday, July 27, 2024




Some Things Haven't Changed

Author: Steve Moskal

This year, 2022, has probably been the most challenging many in the trade show and event worlds have faced. There have been shortages of materials and labor, increased costs, ROI uncertainty and challenges managing expectations.


And speaking of cost increases, UPS is raising rates about 7%. This follows unprecedented increases over the last year in regular OTR freight and material handling. And don’t get me started on material handling.

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Drayage is Everywhere

Author: Steve Moskal

While it isn’t officially the end of summer in the Midwest, there is a rush to get all things “summer” done before Labor Day. Never mind that there are three more weeks of the actual season. Midwesterners have mistakenly accepted that we only deserve three months of bearable weather, not even one or two weeks more.


So that, combined with school starting up and the exodus of the college-aged work force from resort towns - leaving no one to run go-cart tracks and wait tables - means one last lap in proverbial summer pool.

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Lose Some Weight in the New Year

Author: Steve Moskal

It started as a quick, “How are you doing?” phone call. Our client just finished her first full year of managing the company’s trade shows and events (among other things).


“If you told me a year and a half ago all the things I didn’t know, that I know now, I really would not have believed you.” She went on, “And all the unknowns? For my first show, I thought it was insane to pay for padding under the carpet. The sales people called me at the show open on a Sunday and started yelling at me about how their knees and feet were killing them.”


“Talk about a lesson learned,” she said.

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Don't Cut Off Your Nose to Spite Your Face (Or, Don't Let Material Handling Freeze the Sales Process)

Author: Steve Moskal

“Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face,” was a phrase I heard my grandmother say from time to time. It’s not used too often these days but it literally means, don’t go ahead with an action that could make things worse for you farther down the road. This is especially true if the action is done as a quick reaction, out of anger or not thought through.


I wanted to say this to a long-time customer the other day. In 2015, they plan on pulling out of three of the major shows they do annually because, “the CFO doesn’t like the fact that material handling costs are as high as they are and are not something that can be predicted and budgeted for,” (sic).

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A Must-Read For All Trade Show Exhibitors

Author: Steve Moskal

The Exhibit and Event Marketers Association (E2MA) recently posted their 2012 Advocacy Study Presentation titled “Enhancing Exhibitor Value Enables Show Growth” on their website.


I urge everyone to read through the report if you have not done so already. While it touches on many important trends and facts regarding show costs and the consumer price index (CPI), it takes special note to identify that over 30% of costs are unknown at the time a booth space contract is signed. These costs include drayage (material handling) and in many instances, install and dismantle labor.

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Categories: EAC, Material Handling, Trends





It Wasn't Raining When Noah Built the Ark

Author: Steve Moskal

I recently met with a new client who was just hired by her company, and one of her job functions is to handle their modest trade show program. She is new to the trade show world and was very open to any advice I could offer.


We talked for awhile about typical issues such as the advantages of shipping “advance” to the warehouse versus shipping “direct” to the show site, consolidating shipments to save on material handling, and the pros and cons of renting a monitor as compared to owning and shipping their own.

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