Saturday, July 27, 2024




Finding Your Inner Trade Show Self

Author: Steve Moskal

My lovely wife has been faithfully going to yoga classes a few times a week for several years. She swears it has helped with her balance, strengthened her core and reduced the stress and strain of daily living. She keeps telling me, I have to go too.


“Whatever you are doing for your core,” she said “ain’t working.” Ouch.


A few weeks ago, Shelley informed me she had a free pass, so I was going and that was that.

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Eyes on the Skies and Pass the Towels

Author: Steve Moskal

I have never been to a wedding with an outdoor ceremony.


The ones I’ve seen on television and in the movies, the weather is always perfect. The ceremony usually takes place on a tropical island or other sunny, weather-predictable location.


My niece and her fiancée decided to have an outdoor wedding in northern Michigan in October. The ceremony and reception were at a golf and ski resort. The setting was the top of the ski hill overlooking miles of fall colors in full force. They probably knew they were rolling the dice when it came to weather. I mean, it can snow up there this time of year.

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Categories: Events, Planning

Tags: Gaylord, MI, Weddings




Wait! Wait! No, Don't Wait

Author: Steve Moskal

I was recently wrapping up a meeting with Joe Matillaro, one of our transportation and logistics partners from Superior Logistics. We were going over an upcoming, tight show schedule for a client to ensure we had enough time between events for advance warehouse delivery.


“I just want to remind you that ELDs are here, as of December 18,” Joe said.


“ELDs?” I was a bit puzzled. “What are they?”

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I Got It. Sure You Do.

Author: Steve Moskal

Water skiing.

Holding onto a big, half-filled, water balloon.

Herding cats.


These are examples of tasks that would seem fairly easy once they’ve  been successfully completed a few times. The reality though, is just when you think you’ve mastered them....Splat! You fly off your skis and face plant into your own wake.


Trade show planning should be added to this list.

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We're Not Just Being Nosy

Author: Steve Moskal

“I need this on the 17th.”


When you live in the trade show and event world, where dates are the tail that wags the dog, you need to know exactly what a date means. Prairie’s staff is full of experienced trade show professionals and will naturally follow up “I need it on the 17th” in a very specific way.

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Categories: Logistics, Planning






Author: Steve Moskal

So... you want to take an island space at one of your annual trade shows.


Your company has grown from a simple 10’ inline with two sales people collecting leads, to a 20’ space with more function. You added a salesperson, integrated a 42” monitor on the backwall and included a special counter with storage for literature and give-aways. The exhibit even featured a small seating area for more in-depth conversations.

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Categories: Budget, Goals, Planning





It Wasn't Raining When Noah Built the Ark

Author: Steve Moskal

I recently met with a new client who was just hired by her company, and one of her job functions is to handle their modest trade show program. She is new to the trade show world and was very open to any advice I could offer.


We talked for awhile about typical issues such as the advantages of shipping “advance” to the warehouse versus shipping “direct” to the show site, consolidating shipments to save on material handling, and the pros and cons of renting a monitor as compared to owning and shipping their own.

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