Saturday, July 27, 2024

Show Services

With years of experience and a trusted network, Prairie Display/Chicago can assist with every aspect of your trade show or special event. This includes labor and and onsite supervision, coordination of any show services, round trip logistics, and more. 


Trade Show Installation and DismanlteI&D Labor and Supervision 
Prairie will arrange for labor and supervision of your exhibits in virtually any major city in the U.S. and Canada. Installation and dismantle services are secured using one of our qualified labor partners. Onsite labor and supervision are your advocates on the show floor, ensuring all services are delivered correctly and efficiently.




Trade Show Carpet RentalShow Services 

Many of Prairie's customers do not have the time or staff to complete the necessary trade show documents and order essential services. Prairie's experienced staff can coordinate these tasks for you.
Contact us with further details regarding your program needs.



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