Saturday, July 27, 2024

Published on Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Time to Vent! (Or, Put That Linkedin Down)

Glengarry Glen Ross movieIn the movie “Glengarry Glen Ross”, Alec Baldwin’s sales manager character calls out the sales staff. “Put that coffee down. Coffee is for closers only.” (Warning: Don’t click on the link unless you want to hear some very foul language!)


Well, it’s time to “put that social media down.” Yes, I’m talking about the hours being spent on LInkedIn and Facebook. Clicking on links to regurgitated, baseless, short articles that are lulling folks into thinking they’re becoming an expert just by reading and re-posting.


Social mediaSo....


Put that LinkedIn down.

Put that Facebook down.

Put that (fill in the blank) down.


What are you going to do with all of this free time?


Continuing education classSome suggestions - as a trade show and event industry professional, when was the last time you:


-Attended a presentation, lecture or continuing education class about your industry or general marketing trends (presentations on social media don’t count)?


-Spent time at a face-to-face networking event with your peers and industry professionals?


-Walked on the show floor?


-Volunteered to be on an Exhibit Advisory Committee?


Sorry to sound so harsh, but getting out there and doing is a tried and true way to get to the next level. Remember when you wanted to learn how to ride a two-wheel bike? What did you do?


Riding a bikeYou watched your older siblings or neighbors before you gave it a whirl. Maybe it involved asking your mom or dad to take off the training wheels and guide you along before letting go and earning a few scraped knees. You kept at it until you wobbled down the sidewalk for the first time. You were becoming a biking professional - hopping curbs, popping wheelies and swerving between parked cars.


Learning to ride also taught you to deal with traffic. Next stop? Driving a car, mini-bike or motorcycle, all because you got out there and decided to try it on two wheels. Looking back, it wasn’t just about riding a bike, it was about getting from point A to point B. The world was now your oyster. Cool, huh?


So rewind - if you were going to learn how to ride a bike today, would you:


-Join an online group that likes to talk about bicycle riding and re-post articles on the value of riding?


-Look at cool bicycles on Pinterest?


-View countless bicycling fails on YouTube?


You’re never going to learn to ride without feeling the wind in your face and the pavement coming up to meet you.


Social mediaPut that social media down, get out there and learn! Attend, converse, experience, share. Get face-to-face with peers, colleagues, potential supplier partners and show management. It starts out slowly, but once you gain momentum, you’ll be getting from point A to point B faster and easier.


Then go back and pick up the social media. Share your expertise, let your learned voice be heard and next thing you know, you’ll be the one that’s getting re-posted.


Put that LInkedIn down. Social media is for closers only -  or something like that. 


Steve Moskal


Coffee is for closers








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Steve Moskal
Steve Moskal

Steve Moskal

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Full biography

Steve’s journey in the trade show and event world started in 1983 with one of the original Nomadic Display sales organizations in North America. In 1994, he co-founded Prairie Display/Chicago.

Steve was an Allied Board Member of TSEA (Trade Show Exhibitors Association) from 2007 to 2011 and recipient of the TSEA President’s Award in 2009. He also served as Financial Chair of the Midwest Exhibit and Event Professionals (formerly the Chicago chapter of TSEA) and as a commissioner with the Elmhurst Economic Development Commission from 2011 to 2016. Currently he is Vice President of Education for the Addison/Elmhurst, IL Toastmasters Club.

When not working with customers and co-workers at Prairie, you can find him trying to spend more time biking and pursuing other creative endeavors. Steve lives in Oak Brook, IL with his beautiful and equally understanding wife of 26 years, Shelley.

Steve is a graduate of Northern Illinois University, with a B.A. in Journalism and a Fine Arts minor.


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